Curriculum Vitae.
Don’t want to read this whole thing? Click here to get “the gist” of my qualifications and experiences.
Administration & Teaching
High School English Teacher, Walden High School (January 2020 - present)
Teach sophomore, junior, and senior English classes, including AP Language and Composition, across a variety of language and learning difference in a institution with a small class size and emphasis on differentiated learning. Oversee production of student literary journal and advise 10th graders on academic and social development.
Composition Instructor, University of Louisville (August 2013 - December 2019)
Courses taught include:
Introduction to College Writing
Intermediate College Writing
Business Writing
Science & Technical Writing
Received Part-Time Lecturer of the Year Award in Fall 2015.
Doctoral Fellow, Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research (July 2017 - present)
Main responsibilities include: mentoring students; developing and promoting professional development events; assisting with budget record keeping and reporting; matching students and faculty for social justice research projects; developing documents for annual grant report; co-facilitating annual Social Justice Symposium and Celebration of Social Justice Research; creating and distributing documents that support social justice research community; and updating contracts and other documentation.
Consultant, Pioneer Direct Marketing (August 2015 - present)
Perform special projects for the Tech Team, including programming/production assistance, manual/SOP writing, intern mentoring, and other writing, marketing, and production tasks as needed.
Assistant Director of Composition, University of Louisville (August 2016 - April 2018)
Served as administrator in UofL’s Composition Program that offers nearly 200 sections of writing courses a year. Assisted in scheduling classes, mentoring new teachers, facilitating orientation for new and returning instructors, addressing grievances, facilitating the annual Celebration of Student Writing event, revising department policies, assessing portfolios submitted for placement credit, writing content for a departmental online textbook, and other projects as requested by program director.
University Writing Center, University of Louisville (August 2012 - July 2013)
Tutored all levels of students and faculty on a variety of writing tasks. Was among three consultants asked to return as summer consultant.
Service & Engagement
Community-Engaged Research
Community Writing Outreach (January 2017 - April 2017)
Participated as a writing tutor at the Western Branch of the Louisville Free Public Library and the Family Scholar House as part of a University Writing Center initiative. Project received our university’s College of Arts & Sciences Community Service Award for 2017-2018.
“Minds in Motion,” Hawthorne Elementary School (January 2017 – December 2017)
Co-organizer, teacher, and researcher for a project through UofL’s Exercise Physiology department which provided specific exercise programs designed to aid the physical, academic, and social development of children at a local bilingual elementary school. Also participated as the writing coach for other research team members writing up research results.
“Nothing About Me Without Me” art workshops, Council on Development Disabilities (July 2016 – May 2017)
Helped organize, teach, and document/archive a year-long arts-advocacy workshop series for artists with a wide variety of developmental and intellectual disabilities. Produced multiple artifacts for the community partners’ marketing purposes, such as the artist profile available at this link: .
Digital Media Academy (January - June 2015 & January - June 2016)
Co-organizer and teacher at an annual digital media camp for rising sixth-grade girls from low-performing schools in Louisville’s West End. Worked as director of Research/Assessment, Pedagogy, and Publicity teams. Project funded by grants from CCCC, Thomas R. Watson Foundation, and the Verizon Foundation.
Committees and organizations
UofL Community Engagement Steering Committee (Fall 2015-Spring 2017)
Appointed by Graduate Student Council to this committee tasked with creating better institutional structures that foster, implement and evaluate community engagement projects, in alignment with UofL’s 21st Century strategic plan.
Graduate Student Council (Fall 2015-Spring 2017)
Served as a representative for the English Department and on the Advocacy & Involvement committee. Co-organized a regional Graduate Research Conference at UofL and sought feedback from constituents on current needs. Co-developed a graduate student running club based on constituent feedback, in order to promote graduate student fitness, mental health, and sense of community.
Mentoring and volunteering
Ph.D. Peer Mentor, UofL Department of English (Fall 2016 – present)
Assist new students in navigating the Rhetoric and Composition Ph.D. program, adjusting to graduate studies, and, often, transitioning into a new city.
Peer mentoring co-coordinator (Fall 2013-Spring 2014)
Helped set up and manage the first M.A. peer-mentoring program at UofL. Worked on administrative tasks and evaluating the strengths/weaknesses of the first attempt for future coordinators to build on.
Technology Mentor, Council on Developmental Disabilities (Louisville, KY) (April & May 2017)
Worked one-on-one with a digital media artist who has a developmental disability, to help her improve her digital storytelling skills.
Hospital Advocate/Writing Group Facilitator, Center for Women and Families (Summer 2013-April 2016)
Responded to emergency room calls for sexual assault survivors to provide them with resources and other assistance. From Summer 2013-Fall 2013, co-facilitated a writing/reading group at the Center, which is a local shelter for survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Developed handbook for future versions of the group.
Research Publications & Presentations
(In Progress) Trauma-Informed Writing Pedagogies: Frameworks for Educators in Writing Studies
Ongoing study sponsored by a grant from the Conference on College Composition and Communication to produce a book on trauma-informed writing instruction. Data collection and analysis has concluded. Book proposal in process.
“Strategies for Implementing Safe and Effective Yoga Programs.” With Abigail Day, Daniela Terson de Paleville, and Kristi M. King. American College of Sports Medicine Health and Fitness Journal, vol. 22, no. 6, 2018, pp. 59-63.
“On Trauma and Safety: Toward Trauma-Informed Research Methods.” Making Future Matters. Computers and Composition Digital Press, 2018.
“On Multimodality: A Manifesto.” With Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, Rick Wysocki, Jon Udelson, Caitlin E. Ray, Jessica S. B. Newman, Laura Sceniak Matravers, Ashanka Kumari, Layne M. P. Gordon, Khirsten L. Echols, Michael Baumann, and Sara P. Alvarez. Multimodality: Theories, Pedagogies, Practices, 2019.
“On Multimodal Composing.” With Danielle DeVoss, Sara Alvarez, Michael Baumann, Khirsten Echols, Layne M.P. Gordon, Ashanka Kumari, Laura Matravers, Jessica Newman, Amy McCleese Nichols, Caitlin E. Ray, Jon Udelson, and Rick Wysocki. Kairos, 2017. et-al/index.html )
“Louisville Conference, the International Virginia Woolf Society Panel.” International Virginia Woolf Society Newsletter, Spring 2013,
“Kentucky Program Aims to Educate Future U.S. Nurses About Growing Hispanic Culture.” KBN Connection Newsletter, Fall 2011, 26-27.
“Access and Active Learning in Trauma-Informed Writing Pedagogy,” 2019, Fourteenth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing (Hartford, Conn.)
“Materializing an Invisible Fire: Trauma, ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and the Exigence of First-Year Composition,” 2018 Thomas R. Watson Conference
“Trauma-Informed Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy: Working with Rising Sixth Grade Black and Latina Girls and their Communities of Struggle,” 2017 Conference on Community Writing
“’This is how I cry’: Trauma-informed care in literacy-mediated community engagement,” 2016 Thomas R. Watson Conference
“How Do We Create Change?: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Action,” 2016 Rhetoric Society of America
“Helping or hurting: Trauma-informed practice in literacy-mediated service-learning,” 2016 Conference on College Composition and Communication
“Helping or hurting: Trauma-informed practice in literacy-mediated service-learning,” 2015 Conference on Community Writing
“Helping or hurting: Trauma-informed practice in literacy-mediated service-learning,” 2014 Thomas R. Watson Conference
“Text and Context: Coaching Transfer in the Writing Center,” 2013 Kentucky Philological Association Conference
Workshops & Panels
Invited Talk / Workshop: “Strategies for Trauma-Informed, Compassionate Teaching, ”2021 University of Maryland Department of Writing faculty orientation
Invited Workshop: “Trauma-Informed Community Engagement,” 2019, Center for Hartford Engagement and Research, Trinity College
Workshop Facilitator, “Social Justice 101,” UofL Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research (February 2019)
Organized content, speakers, and logistics for workshop that introduced student researchers to basic concepts and goals underpinning social justice research.
Workshop presenter, “Presenting Professionally,” UofL Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research (September 2018)
Organized and led a workshop for undergraduate and graduate students on how to develop academic presentations—especially posters—on social justice research
Workshop presenter, “Communicating Your Social Justice Research on a CV or Resume,” UofL Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research (March 2018)
Co-facilitated a workshop for students on developing resumes and CVs based on their work as part of transdisciplinary research teams doing engaged, social justice research.
Workshop presenter, “Trauma-Informed Research Methods,” UofL Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research (February 2018)
Discussed dissertation work and building trauma-informed research methods—especially for interviewing—as well as my developing theories about apply trauma-informed methods to the classroom.
Panel presenter, “Insights and Innovations: Graduate Teaching Assistants as 21st Instructors,” Celebration of Teaching and Learning (Spring 2018)
Discussed teaching experiences as a GTA with other GTAs from different disciplines, to offer insights to administrators in charge of pedagogy development in their departments.
Workshop presenter, “Student Trauma in the Classroom,” UofL Department of English (March 2017)
Discussed issues and resources regarding student trauma and how it manifests in the classroom.
Workshop presenter, “Be Searchable,” UofL School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies (January 2017)
PLAN Workshop for graduate students that discussed developing an online presence for job searches and professional networking.
Panel presenter, “Community Engagement Academy,” UofL School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies (January 2017)
Spoke with community partners (the Council on Developmental Disabilities) about developing and sustaining partnerships.
Workshop presenter, “Students in Distress,” UofL Department of English (August 2016)
Discussed issues and resources regarding students’ experience of material or emotional difficulties, such as PTSD.
Workshop co-presenter, “Document Design: CV, Syllabi, Assignments,” UofL Department of English (April 2016)
Provided strategies for English department instructors about rhetorically design common in-class documents for a variety of purposes, including student comprehension.
Workshop co-presenter, “Connecting Students with Communities,” UofL Department of English (Fall 2015)
Provided information about community-themed Intermediate College Writing class I taught, including information about developing partnerships and structuring student assignments.
Professional Writing
Tech Team Writer / Programmer, PCORP (August 2015-Present)
Contracted to created Standard Operating Procedures and software manuals for central components of Pioneer’s production process, as well as periodically copy editing manuals created by others for content and design issues and other writing needs.
Writing Lab Coach, The Mountain Workshops (October 2010 and October 2011)
Annual national photojournalism workshop hosted by WKU. Coached photojournalism students on writing captions and short feature stories. Coordinated photos and stories for web and print in collaboration with journalism professionals from publications such as the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times.
Journalism Internships, various publications
Received competitive, paid journalism internships at several metropolitan daily newspapers. Published many news and feature articles online and in print (including several front-page stories). Internships completed with
The Courier-Journal (Louisville, Ky.), May-July 2008
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, May-July 2009
The San Diego Union-Tribune, May-July 2010
College Heights Herald, Western Kentucky University (August 2007-May 2011)
Served in various staff writer and editor positions, including editor-in-chief in Fall 2010. As editor-in-chief, oversaw bi-weekly publication, developed professional development for staff members, managed meetings with the newspaper’s editorial board, and collaborated with advertising and yearbook staff.
dmh Marketing Partners/DNR Group, (December 2010 to January 2013)
Wrote and edited copy for marketing packages and company website. Wrote and edited press releases. Suggested ways to make marketing copy sound more personally-engaging. Designed marketing packages for non-profit and for-profit clients.
Ph.D. in English Rhetoric and Composition from the University of Louisville (May 2019)
Dissertation: “Wounds and Writing": Building Trauma-Informed Approaches to Writing Pedagogy”
M.A. in English from the University of Louisville (May 2014)
Culminating Project: “Trauma-Informed Practice in Literacy-Mediated Service-Learning”
B.A. in News/Editorial Journalism from Western Kentucky University (May 2011)
Minor: English
Summa Cum Laude; Honor’s College Graduate
Human Subjects Research (HSR), Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (active since January 2015)
Trauma-Informed Care, Center for Women and Families (40 hours, Spring 2013)
Mental Health First Aid, for adults (8 hours, Spring 2019)
MinistrySafe Awareness Training, for child sexual abuse awareness and prevention (Fall 2018)
iMedia, on multimedia production and design, Western Kentucky University (Spring 2011)
Awards and Honors
College of Arts & Sciences Service Award (2017-2018), awarded to entire Community Writing Outreach team (see “Service & Engagement”)
Maddox Prize essay winner, for “Matters of (Non)Consent: The Ecological and Linguistic Construction of Sexual Assault” (2015, $300)
2015 Part-time Lecturer of the Year Award ($500), for teaching excellence
Carroll Knicely Journalism Scholarship (2010-2011), for journalistic and academic excellence
Scripps Howard Foundation journalism grant (2010, $10,000), for journalistic and academic excellence
Thomas Curran Journalism Scholarship (2008-2009 and 2009-2010), for journalistic and academic excellence